The Advantages Of Inflatable Swimming Pools

While some areas of the US are still experiencing some cooler days, spring is truly right around the corner. For the warmer parts of the country we are already experiencing the warm weather. If you aren't living in tank tops and shorts right now you soon will be and when the warm weather hits, you will need to be prepared because the kids will want to go swimming.

But maybe you don't have a swimming pool. Maybe you can't afford to get one put in right now or maybe you are renting and don't own your home.

What options do you have? Perhaps you have a friend or neighbor that has a pool you can "borrow" when it fits into their schedule and IF they don't mind. Or, you could lug the kids, towels, snacks, rafts, bags and toys down to the community pool and back every day. Or you could...

Get an Inflatable Swimming Pool!

Inflatable Pools have great advantages over in-ground swimming pools. For one thing, the cost is just a small fraction of the price of a permanent pool. When you're not sure how much use your family will get out of a pool, starting out with an inflatable swimming pool is a budget friendly way to decide if a built in pool is worth the hefty investment.

In addition to the fantastic money savings advantage of an inflatable swimming pool, it's much more convenient schedule-wise also. Because there is no need to wait weeks for a pool company to begin excavating, you can set your above ground swimming pool up when it's convenient for your schedule not the pool companies'. And, if you know, you won't be using your inflatable pool for a month in July while you are on vacation, you can simply deflate it and store it and won't have any maintenance to be concerned about while you're away.

An inflatable swimming pool is also an ideal solution for an oddly shaped or smaller backyard because you can simply place the above ground pool wherever it can fit in the best. It can also easily be deflated and stored if you want to have full use of your whole yard for reseeding or a weekend party.

Many of the smaller inflatable swimming pools are also very versatile in that they can be used as a fun ball pit with the addition of a hundred or so brightly colored fun plastic balls. Ball Pits can provide year round fun for kids inside and out; good weather or bad. And, with the smaller size of these inflatable pools, they are also easily portable and can be taken with you for a weekend away from home-maybe to Grandma's.

Today's inflatable swimming pools are available in a huge variety of fun designs and sizes and are for kids of all ages to enjoy: from babies to adults. There are wading pools in the shape of a spouting whale, larger pools in a seahorse motif with a rainbow arch shade and slide or a large sized above ground swimming pool that all your family, friends and neighbors can enjoy.

With the warm weather on the way, you'll want to be prepared to keep the kids (and the whole family) busy and happy. An inflatable swimming pool has many advantages over a traditional, expensive built in pool and it could be just the perfect fit for your family this season.

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CherieLitchfield has a huge variety of above ground inflatable swimming pools, fun kid's pools, pool floats and toys and accessories.

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